Artist Spotlight: Lisa Golightly

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Lisa Golightly is one of my all time favorite artists. I discovered her work about 7 or 8 years ago on Etsy. I still find myself adding her pieces to my ever growing list of “must purchase” artwork.

According to her website: “Lisa Golightly is an artist living in Portland, Oregon. With a BFA in art, her initial focus was photography, the influence of which can be seen in her paintings. Her work revolves around memory and how snapshots shape, influence, change and even create memory. She works with acrylic and high gloss enamel, using found photos to create work that is both anonymous in nature but also very personal.”

There’s something so nostalgic about Lisa’s paintings. Every time I see one of her hazy beach prints I’m immediately taken back to childhood memories of Jersey Shore vacations with my family. I love that the majority of people in her paintings have obscured facial features. This makes it easy for me to imagine my loved ones’ faces. Honestly it’s as if these pieces were painted directly from my parent’s old photo albums!

I feel like this is the perfect time to dive deep into those memories.  Seemed like life was a bit simpler back then…a bit less busy, less hectic, and less worrisome.  I intend to purchase another one of her pieces very soon, knowing that each time I glance at it, I’ll be taken back to “the good old days!”

The prints above are all priced very reasonably on Lisa’s Etsy shop called “KikiandPolly.”  Bonus: they come in multiple sizes!

Lisa also sells work through her own site. It’s filled with gorgeous, one-of-a-kind original pieces! Many are sold out (of course), but there are still some beauties available!

*Click on images for links

There is a print version of this on Etsy!

There is a print version of this on Etsy!

See what I mean about the faces she paints? They allow you to replace the subject with your own loved ones, right?!

Here are a few more of my favorites from Etsy, but by all means, visit Lisa’s shop to scroll through the magic yourself!

I asked Lisa (via Instagram) if she had any advice for those who are new to art collecting. Here’s what she had to say:

“Purchasing artwork can definitely feel intimidating but always worth it. I’m obviously biased, but for me, out of everything I put in my home (furniture, lighting, etc.) original artwork is the one thing that I don’t ever get sick of or feel like ‘needs updating.’ I have artwork from so many different sources and eras…eBay, galleries, artist trades, and by far they are some of my favorite things in my home. They bring so much to the space they’re in.”

I couldn't agree more!  I switch up my pillows and other decor all the time, but I never get tired of my favorite paintings. They’ve always stood the test of time. 

I have one bit of advice to add to Lisa’s. Do yourself a favor…when you see a piece of art that you love (that’s within your budget), buy it! Right then and there, especially if it’s an original.  You’ll never regret it. What you will regret, is a missed opportunity. Trust me, I’ve been there! I’ve hesitated, then gone back to purchase a favorite only to see a “sold” sign slapped over top. It’s real bummer, so don’t let it happen to you!

Well, that’s all for this week friends! Now, sit back on your sofa and order some art for your home! It will get you one step closer to a home you love!

I’ll be back next week with more styling tips and tricks, but meanwhile come hang with me on Instagram!

Wishing you a beautiful, and manageable, week ahead!

