Sage Advice


Vivienne Westwood, as I’m sure you know, is a fashion designer but trust me these words of wisdom can be applied equally well to the world of interior design.

When I bought my first house many years ago, I wanted to decorate it ASAP. I was in such a rush to make it look just so, that I think I think I had the whole thing decorated -from soup to nuts- in less than 2 weeks. Guess how many of those 250+ things I still have in my new house 10 years later. Five: a coffee table, 2 dressers, a dining room console, and the painting featured in this post. The only real keeper is the painting.The furniture items need to go, I’m so over them, however, I refuse to get rid of them until I find replacements that I love. Because now I know better.

If I had seen this piece of advice from Vivienne Westwood, I’d like to think things would’ve turned out differently for us (and our home). I would’ve taken my time to buy a really good coffee table, one that would last and perhaps not have a giant gash in it from someone gingerly swinging his golf club in the living room several years ago (insert hand smacking forehead emoji). I could’ve saved lots of money, in the long run, by investing in quality items that will stand the test of time.

We’ve lived in our new house for 2 and 1/2 years now. It took me almost 6 months to purchase our sofas which I love and I expect to keep for quite some time. About 6 months after that I purchased 2 side chairs, which I also love and expect to keep around. In between that time, we’ve also acquired a dining room table and chairs, some rugs, 2 side tables, and a new headboard (which we just got last August). We still need rugs, upstairs and in our main hallway, a dresser and side tables for the guest room, and art work for the dining room, bathrooms, and my office, plus all the furniture for the family room addition. But guess what…surprisingly, I’m cool with that. Instead of rushing to fill up a room, I’ve been taking my time and buying the things that really resonate with me. So far, so good.

So take it from me (and Vivienne), buy with intention. Don’t buy a random coffee table because you kind of like it, and it’s part of a really good sale that will only last through the weekend. Do your research, shop smart, save up (if need be) and buy something you absolutely love. You, and your home, deserve nothing less.
