Artist Spotlight: Pamela Munger

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Pamela got me hooked. She was my gateway drug into this wonderful world of art collecting. Kinda like the first time I had those mini chocolate hard shell Cadbury eggs (which are straight up crack). I haven’t been able to stop since.


If you haven’t read this post, check it out. It’s where I explain how this whole thing got started. How one small painting, started me on this big journey of becoming a stylist.

Pamela’s has some gorgeous originals available here and here

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As well as some very affordable prints on various sites, like Artfully Walls.

Here’s some insight into Pamela’s work:

“What draws me to painting is the combination of creativity, solitude and limitless possibilities. I'm all about experimentation with paint, surfaces and subject matter but I like to keep it simple and innocent, avoiding detail and not giving away the whole story. I lean towards the abstract because that's where I can truly be creative and people can develop their own interpretation based on what they see, but I also do the occasional painterly landscape or still life. I've noticed that's one of the trickiest things about painting....trying to focus on what to paint since I want to paint everything!

My career as an artist started when I was teaching English and was looking for something to do creatively. I was given some art supplies one Xmas, painted my first painting and that was it. I was hooked. What started as a keen hobby grew to be a part time income and now I work full time as an artist. I'm from southern California, and currently reside in rural western Colorado where my husband and I have a farm where we grow hops for the Colorado microbreweries. ( Misty Mountain Hop Farm- Cheers!) The big open sky and mountainous land are a constant inspiration for my art.”

I told Pamela that some of my clients have a difficult time pulling the trigger when it comes to purchasing art. I asked her what advice she could offer for someone who might be new to the world of art collecting. Here’s what she said…

“Start with a small one and just buy what you love. You’ll find a place for it in your home.” Great advice, Pamela! I can certainly attest to the power of one small painting.

That’s all for this week, friends! Now go out and treat yourself, and your walls, to a new piece of art. It will get you one step closer to a home you love!

Meanwhile, come connect with me on Instagram and subscribe below to stay in the loop!
