Artist Spotlight: Elizabeth Mayville

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If you still have a blank wall or an empty bookcase that’s begging for art, you’ve come to the right place. Elizabeth Mayville has a wide variety of beautiful (and affordable) little paintings that are bound to please just about anyone. 

I don’t know much about Elizabeth other than the limited bit of information I read on her website, but what I do know is that I love just about every piece she’s created. Elizabeth turns ordinary everyday things into extraordinary moments, frozen in time. This is what makes her paintings feel like little treasures. 

I’ve bookmarked the majority of her Etsy shop, so it was difficult to pick out the highlights, but here's a sampling of my favorites…

*click images for links

Clearly I could keep going, but I’ll let you check out the rest of her shop on your own. If you prefer a one stop shop, you can get framed copies of some of Elizabeth’s prints on Artfully Walls.

If you love Elizabeth’s prints as much as I do then add one (or five) to your cart. It will get you one step closer to a home you love.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

