Artist Spotlight: Carlos San Millán

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Carlos’s work first appeared for me during a random Saatchi Art search. It was one of those… “if you like so-and-so, you might like Carlos San Millán.” Yep, you were totally right, Saatchi. I do like Carlos. Lots.

I’m a sucker for impressionistic paintings, so of course Carlos’s work gives me all the feels. His painterly landscapes are like a dream…one where your ice cream is melting, but funny enough you don’t really mind. Isn’t it that much more delicious when it’s not frozen solid?

Okay, enough about ice cream, I digress. It’s hard to say which subject matters I like most in Carlos’s body of work. Is it the interior scenes he paints, where I feel like I get a secret glimpse into the home of a super private artist? Maybe. Carlos himself seems to be a big secret. I’ve been to his website many times, without even a small glimpse of what his life is like, or where his inspiration comes from. If I hadn’t waited so long to write this I would’ve just asked him myself, but alas I’ll be forced to hit publish before I get the chance.

Carlos sells his work through Saatchi, as previously mentioned. Don’t panic though when you check the site and see all the “sold” signs, most of his paintings have print versions you can purchase!

Without further delay here are a few favorites of the many San Millán paintings I adore…

*Click images for links

So enamored by the little plant in this one. I could keep going and going. It’s hard for me to find one I don’t love.

If you’re drawn to Carlos’s gorgeous paintings, then go ahead and add one to cart ASAP. It will get you one step closer to a home you love.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.


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