Custom-Made Outdoor Pillows That Won't Blow Your Budget!


Don't ya just love happy accidents?  Like when you’re cooking something and you have to come up with a sub on the fly and the new version ends up tasting even better than the O.G.? So awesome, right?! Well this post was a happy accident.  I set out this morning on a mission to find affordable outdoor pillows for you.  I checked the usual haunts: Target, World market, Wayfair, and found some decent options, but nothing that I was falling in love with. 

Then I went to my tried and true- Etsy, and hit the jackpot!  A shop based in Philly (yay for the hometown) is selling beautiful custom made outdoor pillows for very reasonable prices. Typically a designer, custom-made, pillow on Etsy will run you close to $100 (for the smallest size). You can purchase the pillows below for around $50, and you can get it with the insert included! Her shop gets awesome reviews and she ships free, which of course is the icing on the cake.  

There was an overwhelming amount to choose from, but I kept it simple by sticking to 4 different color pallets. The solid pillows are from Crate & Barrel, and are currently on sale for $39. They also get great reviews.  

Here’s a roundup of some gems from Pattern Behavior, what a great name right?! Please know that I have no affiliation with this company. I just found them and thought I’d pass along the goodness…

If you need help mixing and matching pillows, check out this post.

Memorial Day weekend means the unofficial start to summer: the season of outdoor living. Why not wake up your back patio with some pretty new pillows and start the summer off on a good note?! It will get you one step closer to a home you love.

That’s all for this week, my friends!  For those of you in the US, with me, enjoy your extra long weekend. Hope it’s filled with sunshine, and gorgeous pillows!

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Wishing you a beautiful, and manageable, week ahead!

