The Best Home Decor From Lowe’s

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Okay, I’m not gonna lie. The search for stylish home decor finds at Lowe’s started off pretty dicey…

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I thought to myself maybe this will be a post of things that I do not recommend buying at Lowe’s.  But I kept at it, knowing that there were some real gems buried amongst the shivering skeleton duo and the fluffy Italian chef. 

After I narrowed down the search terms a bit, I got to the really good stuff! Here are the stylish finds that I would buy for my own home, and freely recommend to clients.


These have me itching to replace what’s left of my outdated light fixtures!

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I typically recommend rugs that are neutral, they allow you to switch up your furniture and accessories with ease. Lowe’s had no shortage of beautiful rugs, these are just a few of the many I was loving.


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Super into that round marble coffee table. I’ve seen the side table version, but I had no idea there was a larger size!



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There were plenty more realistic looking plants which I bookmarked for an updated post on faux foliage. Stay tuned!

Lowe’s, you had me worried for a minute, but I’m happy to say that you’ve come out of this with a shining gold star. Well done.

That’s all for this week, friends! I’ll be back next week with February’s Artist of the Month, you won’t want to miss it!

Wishing you a beautiful, and healthy, week ahead.


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