Artist Spotlight: Kamaria Pryce

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I found Kam on Instagram a while back and I’ve heavily stalked her posts ever since. In a friendly, non-creepy sort of way, I promise. Her beautifully detailed landscapes are so dreamy. They can whisk you away from the winter time blues in an instant!

Kam is from Wales (U.K.) and her paintings have me wanting to book a trip there ASAP. Here’s a bit more about Kam directly from her website: Bloom Hope Art.

“I love going for walks and spotting the small details. I love neutral colours, it calms me and brings peace. I love being in wide, open spaces and breathing in the magnitude of creation. I am so grateful that these loves have resurfaced, loves that were hidden deep and dug away. 

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​I pray these paintings of mine bring you hope and peace, calm and joy, light and love.”

Such a beauty, both inside and out! Here are just a few of my favorites from Kam’s site and Instagram feed:

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Kam only sells her gorgeous paintings through her website: Bloom Hope Art. She announces her new originals on Instagram, so I’ve post notifications turned on because once they’re gone, they’re gone. She recently added some abstracts to her collection, and I was lucky enough to snatch up the first one!


It’s called “Victorious Light,” which I think is the perfect reflection of our recent presidential inauguration. Needless to say, I fell madly in love the second I saw it and proceeded to refresh her website page an embarrassing amount of times until it popped up for sale. Luckily my efforts paid off! I am currently playing with frames, deciding on the best fit, so that I can safely display it on my fireplace mantel.

I messaged Kam through Instagram in the hopes of getting you, dear readers, some inside info on when the next collection goes live and if/when she might be selling prints again. Well, great news: Kam is stocking more prints this month and she plans on releasing a new set of originals in March!

Disclaimer to my U.S. and Canadian friends: exchange rates apply, but take my word, they’re totally worth it. I couldn’t be happier with my new painting!

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If you love these gems as much as I do, then be sure to follow Bloom Hope Art on Instagram and subscribe to her website newsletter to get notifications on new releases. Warning: Kam’s work sells out very quickly! If you see a painting you love, don’t ask anyone for else’s opinion, just press “add to cart” before it slips away.

That’s all for this week, friends! I’ll be back next week with more styling tips and tricks, but meanwhile come hang with me on Instagram.

Wishing you a beautiful, and healthy, week ahead.


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