Artist Spotlight: Donna Weathers

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If I’m being honest, I don’t even remember when or how I discovered Donna, but it was love at first sight. I’ve been lightly stalking her ever since. Donna’s work includes abstracts, collage studies, and figurative paintings. Her figures are my fav. I love how the colors melt into each other, creating those beautiful curves.

Since her website is without a bio, Donna was kind enough to bless me with an interview to share with you…

Q: What inspires you, and your art?

A: I really get inspired when I see other creative people killing it because it really helps me realize that I can do it too. 

I am definitely inspired by other artists. Current and historic. David Park, Richard Diebenkorn are some of my favorite historical artists. Currents? So many! Ashley Longshore is a hoot. She keeps me laughing on Instagram. Jenny Saville is amazing. Kim Frohsin, Linda Christensen, Chris Galtney. Like I said, there are so many I love for many reasons. That could be the entire interview!

Quiet Morphismclick image for link

Quiet Morphism

click image for link

Q: How do you typically start your day?

A; Usually with one and a half cups of coffee. Love my French press with Lavazza Crema e Gusto! After checking emails and what not, I’m off to my studio. 

Q: Do you have any formal art training, or are you self-taught?

 A: I don’t have an art degree. I have always drawn animals since I was a kid. I took two drawing classes at Georgia State University, learned how to give things dimensionality, and the light bulb went off. I was hooked. I’ve taken a multitude of classes here and there, but I am mostly self taught.

Emotional Exclusion I

Emotional Exclusion I

Q: Tell me about your background. 

A: I grew up in a small town in South Carolina. After my divorce, I was a single mother and moved my nine year old son and myself from Atlanta to Santa Monica. At the time, I thought I wanted to be an actress, but ended up hating the pursuit of it. That was when I returned to my art. I wasn’t pursuing it as a career - just for fun and some extra money for commissions I did for friends. I did a couple of local art festivals, but didn’t really start pursuing it seriously until 2011.

In 2016, I rented my first studio. In 2017, I moved into my current space. That was also the year that my corporate job boss let me go part time when I asked. He was (and still is) fully supportive. I was very lucky.

Q: What’s on the horizon for 2021?

A: Currently I’m taking an art business course. I had grand intentions of launching my full time art time career in 2020. It was going well and then Covid hit. I’ve still been hanging in there, but I haven’t been able to teach any classes. I started working on an e-course, but there have been a lot of challenges.

I intend to launch several collections this year and finish my e-course! Things are definitely looking up!


Hmm…perhaps enrollment in Donna’s e-course is in my future. I miss my old art classes in college!

Donna currently sells her work though her website. She’s got a stellar collection of originals, and affordable prints. Here’s a round up of just a few of my favorites…



Donna is donating 50% of sales of this print (Billi) to Campaign Zero. How awesome is that?!



Spinal Focus

Spinal Focus

Neutral Barred

Neutral Barred

Collage 03

Collage 03

Loungy Landscape

Loungy Landscape

Dotty Dreams

Dotty Dreams

Clearly I could keep going, but I’ll let you do a deep dive into the rest of Donna’s gorgeous work on your own. Grab your favorite beverage and enjoy.

That’s all for this week, friends! If your soul connects with one of Donna’s paintings then snatch it up before it’s gone, without getting your friend’s approval. It will get you one step closer to a home you love.

Wishing you a beautiful, and healthy, week ahead.


P.S. Still looking for the perfect piece of art for your blank wall? I’ve got 2 openings for Art Selection clients!

Give me your wall size, and your art style preferences (abstract, etc.). For $60, I’ll find you a piece that you’ll love.

“I had a great experience working with Sara. She is professional, knowledgeable, and really listened to my thoughts and ideas. Sara helped me find my art style and provided me with multiple options and quickly! I'm so glad I had her help me find art for my family room. I would most certainly work with Sara again in the future.”

Paula T.

Click here for more details.

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